No-Cost Weddings
Wedding Information
Weddings are performed by Judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit (City of St. Louis) as a service to citizens at no cost on scheduled Fridays at 2:00pm in the Civil Courts Building, 10 No. Tucker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63101. Couples planning to be married should come to the Court Administrator’s Office, Room 412, 4th floor of the Civil Courts Building, between 1:15pm and 1:30pm (registration ends at 1:45pm) on the Friday afternoon they wish to be married. Couples must bring with them:- Their Missouri Marriage License issued by the City of St. Louis Recorder of Deeds;
- Current Picture identification to prove that each person to be married is at least eighteen (18) years of age (examples of government-issued ID), a recent picture ID such as a valid (U.S.) State driver’s license, a valid (U.S.) State ID, or valid Passport;
- One of the two individuals to be remarried must provide proof of residency in the City of St. Louis (for example, a hard copy of a recent utility bill confirming their City residence address);
- Two witnesses who are at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
- September 6 & 27
- October 11 & 25
- November 8
- December 6 & 20
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How The Recorder of Deeds changed an unnamed boy's life
How The Recorder of Deeds changed an unnamed boy's life